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DIY MegaKey: The Solution to Jingle Free Running

Warm breeze, sun shining, steady breathing, and the soft crunch of dirt under running shoes as trees go by on the trail: my idea of the perfect, tranquil, run. Notice what isn't in that picture? The jingle of keys clinking together with every step - it's enough to drive a runner mad. Finally though, I've found a real solution to stopping keys from jingling during runs.  Over the years I've tried a few different solutions that all left me wanting: Shoe key pockets Rubber bands Stuffing tissue in my key pocket for padding Holding my keys Attaching them to my watch Hiding them under a rock Everything either felt awkward, seemed junky, or fell apart half way through the run. Now after a few test runs on the track and through the woods I can happily say my problems have been solved by MegaKey (or at least thats what I'm calling it).  Ok so it looks like I stuck my keys together with a piece of chewing gum, bun in actuality a formulation of Formerol -...

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